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                Our Products

                CleanDell Represents innovative design, focusing on quality and integrity

                • Integral Shower Room

                  The company¡¯s products have been tested by the Hangzhou Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and the People¡¯s Insurance Company of China has provided liability insurance for product quality. In 2001, the company introduced ISO9001: 2000 quality management system standards to continuously improve and improve the company¡¯s management system in all aspects, with a view to High-quality products continue to meet market demand.

                  K-1706 Integral Shower Room

                  K-9606 Integral Shower Room

                Our factory

                The company¡¯s products have been tested by Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau and the People¡¯s Insurance Company of China has provided liability insurance for product quality. In 2001, the company introduced ISO9001: 2000 quality management system standards to continuously improve and improve the company¡¯s management system in all aspects.

                • EU CE certification

                • Nano self-joining glass

                • Quality and design concept

                • CleanDell shower room

                • CleanDell Quality and design concept

                  At CleanDell, we embrace tradition. Design, manufacture and distribute high-quality shower rooms to customers. CleanDell stands for innovative design, focusing on quality and integrity.


                CleanDell products are spread in many fields, bringing customers a higher quality of life

                Company Profile

                Hangzhou CleanDell Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in the design, production and sales of integrated shower room series products. The company is located in the scenic "paradise on earth"-Hangzhou City. Near Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway and Xiaoshan Airport, it is only half an hour's drive from Qiantang River, and the traffic is very convenient. The company has production units for molds, processing, blister, coating, assembly, etc., which can quickly develop and produce a new generation of products that fully meet market needs. The company also uses websites, trade fairs, market surveys and other means......
